Inhaltlich verantwortlich gem. Paragraph 10 Absatz 3und gem. Paragraph 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG)
Gitte Schütz
Adolfstr. 9
21244 Buchholz
Local court Hamburg
The usage of websites (Gitte Jabs websites) offered by Gitte Jabs is permitted
solely on the basis of the conditions contained herein. These general terms of use
may be supplemented, modified or replaced by further conditions. When using the
Gitte Jabs websites, the relevant version s terms of use must be accepted.
Online content
These websites contents have been thoroughly investigated into, however, liability
cannot be assumed for their accuracy, completeness and timeliness. All these websites
contents solely serve an informational purpose.Liability for intent and gross negligence is limited.
For websites linked with the GItte Jabs websites, responsibility is exclusively with the
respective offering party.
Liability for websites linked to our website cannot be assumed regarding form and content.
Gitte Jabs reserves the right to alter or add to those websites protected by copyright.
Gitte Jabs is solely entitled to use allocated information (text, graphics, images etc.),
unless it has been specified otherwise.
Reproduction or dissemination are subject to Gitte Jabs explicit prior consent.
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